Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Diary of a Cowardly Lion- Entry 2

Dear Alys,

The blocking for the show is finished. This means, in actor speak, that we know where we are going and where we should be when we get there. Now comes one of the things that I really love about the acting process, the fine tuning. Jerry Sims, our writer/director will help us fine tune each moment so that the experience is the best it can be for our audience. I like finding new ways to deliver lines and new moments to get a laugh or make the moment POP!

I mentioned the music in the show in my last entry, but let me tell you a little more about it. The songs that Jerry and Ron have written and the voices we have attached to those songs are going to blow you away. They will have you dancing, they will touch your heart and they will be songs that will not leave your mind once the journey is over. One of the songs I sing has a dance break, which is new from the last time we did the show. Be prepared for that, because it’s a fun addition that Jerry wanted to add. I’m not dancing alone though, so that’s good. The audience dances with me! YAY! That song is called “I Need My Courage” and was written by Ron Bourdages and is super fun to sing, although after performing it last night, I wanted to call it “I Need Some Water,” because I was worn out completely. The Lion needs to work on his fitness. Some of my favorite songs in the show are “The Together Song,” “One Heart,” and “Friends.” One of the special things about these Kids’ Club productions, is that the songs are all originals and many of them have audience participation, which is awesome. This is a version of the Wizard of Oz that you can only see at the Alys Stephens Center. I am looking forward to tonight’s rehearsal and will keep you updated on our journey down the road.

The Lion

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